Jewelry Education - Guides - Terminologies - Reference Charts

Argillite is a type of sedimentary rock, which is a petrified clay, which over millions of years under the influence of high temperatures and pressure of surface soils compacted and...
Argillite is a type of sedimentary rock, which is a petrified clay, which over millions of years under the influence of high temperatures and pressure of surface soils compacted and...

Aragonite Meaning
Aragonite Meaning: Calcium carbonate is an inorganic chemical compound that is represented in nature by such minerals as calcite, aragonite, and vaterite. By popularity, aragonite takes the second place after...
Aragonite Meaning
Aragonite Meaning: Calcium carbonate is an inorganic chemical compound that is represented in nature by such minerals as calcite, aragonite, and vaterite. By popularity, aragonite takes the second place after...