Argillite is a type of sedimentary rock, which is a petrified clay, which over millions of years under the influence of high temperatures and pressure of surface soils compacted and turned into stone. The name of the mineral from the Greek means "argillos" - dense clay and "lithos" - stone. Some species have received other names: zebra - layered specimens with contrasting color; mud stones - rock resistant to abrasion; hailit - dark gray argillites mined in British Columbia. The mineral has a thin-layer homogeneous structure with medium hardness and low density. It is not plastic, does not soak in water, is susceptible to weathering and has the smell of clay when wet. The components of clayey argillite are clay that has undergone epigenesis and diagenesis, and sand. As impurities, inclusions of mica, quartz and feldspar are often encountered, the amount of which affects the physical properties of the mineral. For example, the rock may have a fragile structure, characteristic of clay and limestone, or be distinguished by increased hardness inherent in quartz. Carbonaceous argillite is a homogeneous mixture of minerals, in which clay is combined with a finely dispersed carbonaceous mass. The type of rock has a fine-grained structure and is located in close proximity to the coal-bearing layer. Rocks protected from weathering have high hardness and strength. The composition and additional impurities of argillite have a direct effect on its color. The main colors of the mineral are black, dark gray and blue shades, which in the sun acquire a resinous silk shine. Less often you can meet the argillites of red and white.
The mineral is known since ancient times, when the Indians of the Haida tribe possessed minimal knowledge of stone processing and made household items and knife tips from it. To do this, they collected pieces of rock, extruded soil on the surface of the earth.
Argillite Mineral Deposits:
Argillite placers are found in many places on the planet, but Queen Charlotte Islands, located on the territory of Canada, are rightfully called the birthplace of the mineral. Large deposits are known Russia, Ukraine, regions of Estonia, as well as China and regions of Central Asia.
The Magical Pproperties of the Argillite:
The power of a natural mineral can stop any processes and actions for their subsequent reflection and revision. Argillite soothes and protects from reckless mistakes, thought processes and insight are enhanced, so it is simply necessary for extroverts and emotional personalities. Introverts who easily fall into depression, apathy and despondency, contact with a stone is contraindicated, as it can aggravate their psycho-emotional state. Since ancient times, the stone is on a special account with the Indians Hyde, who in their rituals used it as a guide to the world of the dead and called for the spirits to help. In the elect, the argillite develops the gift of prophecy and clairvoyance, helps to comprehend the signs of nature and sorcery, as well as the secrets of magic and fortune telling. To do this, it is recommended to carry the stone with you in the phase of the moon preceding the new moon. Products from the mineral act as a powerful talisman of the home from diseases, envy and the influence of dark forces, attracting strength, success and well-being to dwellings and households. Talismans and amulets with argillite are recommended to sailors, travelers, as well as representatives of the esoteric direction - astrologers, fortune-tellers and psychics. The stone accumulates cosmic energy and transfers it to its owner to overcome difficulties in transit or to make a wise, sensible decision.
Medicinal Properties of Argillite:
This stone has versatile healing properties. First of all, it is a powerful antiseptic and hemostatic agent that has been used by all nations of the world since the times of ancient civilization. Argillite dust treats skin diseases and open wounds. In cases of joint diseases, traumatic and rheumatoid processes, warming compresses and mudstone baths are recommended. The mineral is indicated for the prevention of diseases of the liver, kidneys, urogenital system, stomach and pancreas, however, when detecting acute processes, the use of stone can aggravate them. In such cases, it is not recommended to use it for treatment. Argillite has a positive effect on male potency, restoring lost strength. The regenerating properties of the stone allow it to be used in cosmetology and in the treatment of cellulite. It also helps to strengthen the overall condition of the body and reduces alcohol dependence.
Applications of Argillite:
Argillite is used in many industries. Ceramic components are made from it, which are subsequently used in construction, production of refractories and cement. The mineral is successfully used in the foundry, pulp and paper and rubber industries. In construction, argillite is used only as a component of building mixtures, providing a binding effect in mortars. As a mound, it is used in paving, if you use other materials is not possible. Due to the friability of the monolithic mineral is not in demand as a building and finishing material.
The physical properties of the stone allow using it to clean water and oil products. Carbonaceous argillite as a cleansing substrate has been successfully used in the manufacture of filters designed to neutralize inorganic oils and fats in drinking water, wastewater from sewage treatment plants. The compliance and spectacular appearance of the argillite attract artists and sculptors, who carve out of it interior decorations and decorative elements, covering the surface with a special varnish. Sculptures, caskets, animal figures, dishes, pendants and pipes have a high price due to the aesthetics and work of the master, despite the fact that the raw mineral is cheap. Argillite jewelry is extremely rare. The cost of beads, pendants, earrings and bracelets can be hundreds of dollars, while the beauty of the products is combined with a health effect, because the argillite contains only useful substances.
Horoscope and Argillite:
According to astrologers, the argillite is subordinate to the dark moon during the last phase and transfers its power to its owner. He is the patron of the zodiac signs of the verses of Air (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini) and Water (Cancers, Scorpios, Pisces), strengthens and helps in the development of innate talents and hidden abilities, up to sorcery, prophecy and fortune telling. Representatives of the elements of the Earth (Taurus, Capricorns and Virgos) will also experience the power of the stone if they carry it during the rising of the moon before the full moon. Argillite is contraindicated to the signs of the elements of Fire (Leo, Sagittarius, Aries). Ignoring the ban and wearing the mineral as a talisman or decoration can attract representatives of these signs of trouble, illness and misfortune.
Key terms: began carving haida nation northwest coast haida argillite carvings haida carvers haida people haida artists slatechuck creek totem poles carved argilliteblack slate island of haida gwaii