Halite is an opaque mineral of dark green color with yellow or bright red spots and inclusions, a type of chalcedony. The stone received its name from the Greek "Helios" - the sun, and "paths" - a turn. In other countries, heliotrope is known by its names: bloody stone, oriental or bloody jasper, plasma, meat agate or stefan stone. The stone may have an oval or octagonal shape with an uneven fracture. It is not characterized by magnetic properties, irization and pleochroism. The mineral is resistant to hydrochloric acid, however, despite its high hardness, it is susceptible to scratches and bumps. Like all stones belonging to the semi-precious class, heliotrope must be protected from exposure to chemicals. The stone is revered from the time of ancient Greece and Rome. He was considered a great talisman, before whom lords, emperors and pharaohs bowed. Heliotropic gems were cut out on a green-red stone, which are still in the original kept in the Hermitage.
Mineral Deposits:
The main deposits rich in high-quality heliotrope deposits are located in India in the vicinity of Calcutta and in Egypt. Also regularly supplied minerals from the United States (California and Wyoming), Brazil and Australia, the regions of Central Asia and China. In Russia, heliotrope is mined in the Urals.
Halite and its Magical Properties:
Since ancient times, heliotrope is one of the stones that occupy a special place in magic and alchemy. It was used in the commission of powerful rites and spells to enhance the effect of magic ritual and words. In the Middle Ages, magicians and sorcerers wore bracelets and rings made of stone in order to strengthen their own energy due to its properties. With the help of heliotrope, as a conductor between the Earth and Cosmos, alchemists tried to understand the Universe.
However, the stone was popular not only among the representatives of the dark forces, but also among the clergy. In Christianity, heliotrope used for the manufacture and decoration of church utensils. From it made vessels, candlesticks, persistent crosses. The owner of the stone, having specific goals and perseverance to their implementation, can feel the quick effect of the magic properties of the heliotrope. It is believed that the mineral adds to the person activity, determination and vigor. He teaches to concentrate on solving problems and achieving global goals, and also develops the ability to learn philosophy, psychology, study foreign languages ββand the foundations of medicine. The opposite effect of the stone is waiting for those who stubbornly and strive for the development of their horizons to be confused with ambition, greed and "sick" fanaticism. In such cases, the stone is able to punish the negligent owner of loss of mind, as well as material and spiritual values.
Medicinal Properties:
In lithotherapy special attention is paid to the properties of heliotropes, as they have a beneficial effect on the work of the whole organism. Due to the active influence of the energy of the mineral on the tissues of the blood vessels and the heart, the process of replenishing tissues with essential substances is accelerated. With metabolic disorders and atherosclerosis, the properties of the mineral contribute to the enhancement of the flow of nutrients to life support organs. Heliotrope stimulates the immune system in the presence of infectious diseases, cures diseases of the genitourinary system, kidney and gynecology, and also helps to alleviate the general condition of poisoning. It has an analgesic effect during menstruation, effectively cleans the liver, spleen, kidneys, bladder and intestines. The mineral with powerful healing properties is used to clean the blood, stop bleeding and increase hemoglobin in the blood. It has a restorative effect on depleted organism and consciousness. The use of heliotrope is practiced in the treatment of psychological infertility, when a person, because of the lack of love for all living things, cannot imagine himself as a parent, and refuses to have children. Being an energy purifier, the mineral allows you to get rid of nervous tension, stress and prolonged depression.
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