The history of the Variscite stone begins in 1837, when it was discovered in the Saxon Varistia, where it has been mined for decades. It was from the name of the place that he got his nickname, although he is also known as “Californian turquoise”, “amatrix”, “spherite”, “chlorine powder”. In nature, variscite can be found in the form of fine-grained reniform aggregates and pseudooctahedral crystals. The main places where stone is mined today are some parts of Brazil, Germany, Australia, and the USA. The formation of the mineral occurs under the influence of water in the caves, so it is not resistant to overheating. There are two main types of the mineral, which differ in chemical composition and color: green amatrix and azure-turquoise Californian turquoise. In addition, there are options for shades in the range from pale blue to green-yellow.
The Magical Properties of Variscite:
It is believed that the stone has magical properties and is able to influence the spiritual development of man. Often it is used in meditation, because they believe that it will help to find peace and balance of spirit, to discover the unusual abilities and talents of a person. With the help of variscite, a person can look into his past life, see what is wrong with it so as not to make such mistakes or correct past mistakes. The stone brings the material and moral well-being to the owner, making him more merciful and sensual to the failures and grief of other people. It will help to find happiness, luck, comfort. Experts say that the constant use of stone and faith in his abilities will relieve a person from such evils as envy, pride, dissatisfaction, will reveal to him all the pleasures of life and teach him to enjoy little things. In addition, the effect of the varicite extends to the close ones of the owner, improving their life for the better by improving the spiritual aura of the person who is the owner of the stone.
Variscite Jewelry:
The appearance of the stone is very attractive and resembles the smooth tropical waters. Varistsit belongs to rare minerals, is used in jewelry to create various jewelry, amulets, talismans. Beads, pendant or bracelet with variscite will be a good highlight of the image. Especially the stone is popular among older women. Jewelery from the variscite can be worn under an evening dress or business suit. Especially well it will look in combination with clothes of the same color. Variscite talismans are recommended to be used by people whose profession requires calm, restraint and confidence. Thus, the talisman will improve the state of mind and aura of teachers, doctors, priests, educators, kindergarten workers. Talismans and charms of this mineral will help people who seek spiritual development. The stone will save him trouble from the attack of enemies, the evil eye, conspiracies. With it, you can eventually discover in yourself new talents, unusual abilities. The talisman will make the carrier more responsive, empathetic, compassionate and understanding. The stone will reveal the best qualities of a person, will help to establish personal life, business at work, will bring financial well-being, success and career growth. Ornaments from variscite need care so that the stone does not fade and lose its charm. It is not resistant to environmental influences, is very soft and can easily be damaged even when dropped. Also, variscite is formed in water, cold and dark caves, is afraid of the influence of direct sunlight, so it should be stored in special boxes in a closed place. From time to time it is worthwhile to conduct water procedures at room temperature. If detergents are used, it must be ensured that they are neutral and do not damage the stone.
Zodiac Signs and Variscite Stone:
The magical and healing properties of the variscite have long been studied by astrologers. So, they are sure that such signs of the zodiac as Sagittarius , Leo , Aries (fire signs) are obliged to have several decorations from this stone in their arsenal. For people who were born under the signs of fire, there is a tendency to selfishness, self-confidence, ambition. The mineral will help transform these qualities into good beginnings and altruistic impulses. What are the signs of the zodiac? But Pisces should be wary of jewelry from variscite, as they are sensual and caring by nature. The use of stone will make them too soft, and other people can simply use it for their own selfish purposes. Also, this mineral is not recommended for self- digging cancers . Scorpio , perhaps, is the only sign from the element of water who can periodically wear a variscite. For the elements of the earth, variscite will definitely be useful. Taurus will become less selfish and will receive a charge of positive energy. Deva mineral helps to cope with fears and anxieties, helps to improve intuition and ability to make right decisions. Capricorn will become more balanced and less ambitious, his character and emotional background will improve. The element of air. On Gemini variscite not have a strong influence. But, nevertheless, it will help in making the right, balanced decisions and make the life of Gemini more predictable and calm. But on the Libra mineral will have a pretty strong influence, will give energy, will help in achieving professional goals and creative heights. Gets on well with this mineral and Aquarius . Varistsit will be an excellent talisman for him, will help in achieving life goals, will give perseverance and determination. Variscite is a mysterious and mysterious stone and it still hides much from people. Its properties are not fully understood, but the fact that it has a positive effect on human health and well-being is a fact. Jewelry made of mineral will be an excellent gift to a loved one. The attractive appearance of the green-blue stone and its ability to influence the state of mind will bring not only aesthetic pleasure to the owner, but also benefit.
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