Biotite Mica

Biotite (odinite, iron mica) is a natural mineral belonging to the category of micas. In thin plates, the stone is transparent, sometimes translucent, while large crystals of biotite have a glass shine, but are not transparent. The color depends on the amount of impurities in the composition, it is yellow, bronze, dark green, red-brown and black. Mineral is a group of aluminosilicates. The main elements in its composition are potassium, iron and magnesium, while their share in the total mass is not constant. A special feature of the mineral can be considered a large amount of impurities, which can be fluorine, sodium, lithium, barium, manganese, cesium, titanium and strontium. The stone is soft, has a low density coefficient, is exposed to sulfuric acid, melted from a candle fire. With long-term exposure to sunlight, it loses its natural color, transforming into green chlorite or muscovite.

Biotite has the following varieties: Bauerite (cat's gold) - a stone with a bronze color; Meroxen is a mineral with a small proportion of iron in the composition; Rubellan - biotite with a rich red-brown color; Lepidomelan - black stone, saturated with iron oxide; Siderofillite is a mineral of dark brown hues, reaching black, which includes a high percentage of iron with a minimum amount of magnesium; Glauconite (hydromica) - green crystals that have been transformed due to the influence of sea water. Scientists deduce this mineral into an independent group, considering it not a kind of biotite, but an independent unit.

For the first time, the French scientist J.-B. Bio, and it was in his honor that the mineral was named. In 1847, the name "biotite" was officially registered by a German mineralogical researcher I. Hausmann.

The Origin and Deposits of the Mineral:

In nature, biotite is found in the form of lamellar, scaly and columnar forms, occurs in igneous, metamorphic rocks and basalts, often found in pegmatite veins. Biotite can be formed due to chemical influences on hornblende and augites. Often biotite is located next to feldspars, grenades, muscovites and andalusites. Large amounts of biotite are mined in pegmatite deposits in Italy, Russia, Scandinavia, Brazil, Greenland and Alaska. Large crystals resembling flat sheets are being developed in the southern regions of Norway. Sometimes their size can reach several square meters. Beautiful stones are mined in Germany, Canada and Tanzania.

Use of Biotite:

The mineral has insulating properties that are resistant to high temperatures, so it is preferred to use it in radio engineering and electronics instead of modern synthetic analogues. Biotite is one of the components of vermiculite, which is gaining popularity in the construction industry for thermal insulation of buildings and the agricultural industry to increase the productivity of plantations as a microelemental fertilizer. Biotite is used in other areas. Wood products are faced with mica, and they look no less impressive than objects inlaid with mother of pearl. Crushed mica powder is added to paints to give them shine and shine. Enamel formulations enriched with biotite are used in the production of wallpaper and plastic to give them a decorative effect. In the cosmetic industry, finely divided biotite powder is added as powder, eye shadow and blush as nacre. In mineralogy, biotite is used to determine the conditions and age of rock formation. Unusual crystals are exhibited in collections. Jewelry craftsmen embed raw crystals or cabochon in their jewelry. Beautiful pendants, bracelets, earrings and rings are made from biotite.

Magical Powers of Biotite:

The magical properties of biotite depend on its shades. To attract profits and material stability in a purse put a piece of mineral bronze shades. Green crystals bring mental comfort, and pink and red stones contribute to the harmonization of family relationships. Enlightened magicians use biotite to communicate with higher powers, to develop the gift of prediction, clairvoyance, and intuitive sensations. With it, you can discover the secrets of knowledge and get rid of energy blocks. Lithotherapists equate the healing properties of biotite with micas. It is believed that it improves the state of mind, eliminating stress, nervousness and insecurity. Under its action, sleep, blood sugar, hormones and the immune system are normalized.

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