Returns & Cancellation Policy
We accept returns and exchanges within the 30 days. If you received a product and simply wish to return it we will not be able to refund the actual shipping fees. It is because all items are hand made to orders, we have 15% restocking fee on all returned merchandise (including exchanges). Custom orders are final. We do not accept their returns for any reason.
Return inspections require 1-2 business days to complete.
We refund the shipping fee only if you received a damaged product. We do not accept returns or exchange requests after 30 days an order is delivered.
You must contact us in order to obtain a Return Authorization Number by email.
Most orders can be cancelled on the same day before 3PM EST. After this shipping cut out time we are not able to cancel orders. Our products are manufactured to order and they start processing on the same day they are received. There is a cancellation fee of 15% for all orders.